About me
Welcome to my "about" page. If you are here it means that you think
my content is interesting and therefore you want to know more about who is behind it (right?
^^"). Well, here's what I can say about myself:
As you can imagine by the website name, I'm Norman. What you don't know is that I'm a 20
years old IT student that aspires to be a (hopefully) good programmer or technician
in general.
Where are you from?
Despite my name and last name, I'm Italian!
Why did you choose "nobon" as URL?
Because it is a recursive, palindrome acronym for my name, Norman, and my last name, Bon.Who is this website for?
To be honest there's no particular target, as I mostly share what I like to like-minded people. What I can say is that whoever wants to access this website, probably or surely wants to get something different from the usual web surfing experience.
What is this website about?
The main topics covered on this website are technology, more specifically open-source software and “tech stuff” in general, video games, and design concerning various “art movements” of the early 2000s. Of course, nothing prohibits me from posting content that is off-topic.
Why did you choose Neocities?
I don't remember where and how I found Neocities, but I chose it because of its goal to make surfing the web great again, by letting individuals share their designs and ideas against a nowadays saturated web.
Why isn't the website designed for mobile devices?
The current design resembles websites from an era where touchscreen-based devices were nonexistent or not important enough yet, the 2000s.
Why don't you have [insert social network name]?
Privacy?Well, it is not the only reason, even if I don't like to be spied anyway and let companies gain money from my data anyway. Social networks are walled gardens made to gatekeep you by letting you believe in what you want to believe to and not in what is right. Sure, there are open-source, more private alternatives such as Mastodon, but they still gatekeep you even if not directly.
Instead, I prefer to keep this, my little corner on the web in order to get real freedom of speech, alongside freedom of doing whatever I want on my website.
Plus, I always wanted to make a website, this can be the only way for me to improve in web design! ^^
Where can I contact you?
Did I catch your interest? Go check the [ contacts ] page.